Sunday Quotes – George Takei

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Let me try to clear something up. ‘Freedom of speech’ does not mean you get to say whatever you want without consequences. It simply means the government can’t stop you from saying it. It also means OTHERS get to say what THEY think about your words. So if someone makes an ass of himself, don’t cry ‘freedom of speech’ when others condemn him. It only highlights your general ignorance.


I believe that our democracy truly comes to life as a dynamic democracy. When people are actively engaged in bringing about change, expanding equality for more and more people.


You have to participate in our democracy. Because, as my father used to say, ‘It’s a people’s democracy and it can be as great as the people can be, but also as fallible as the people are.’ It’s a participatory democracy and unless people participate, there will be those that manipulate or use the system for personal gain or to manipulate the government, which is what happened to us in my childhood.


I think the serenity at the heart of the Buddhist philosophy has allowed me to combat injustice and inequality with a certain level of patient perspective. It’s so necessary to engage those who would seek to oppress you, and to extend to them a hand in our common humanity. That’s the philosophy I try to maintain on the Facebook page — with a few adorable and irresistible cat pictures, of course.


Gays and lesbians have been stereotyped by society. By sharing our experiences — both good and bad, enriching and unhappy — we humanize who we are. The lives and experiences of all of us are different and specific to each individual and by sharing those experiences we cease to be seen as the cartoons that were imposed on us.


Pioneering is never done in front of cheerleaders urging on a roaring grandstand of popular approval.



HAWMC: Sunday Quotes – Activism

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In honour of Health Activist Writer’s Month Challenge, today’s Sunday Quotes is about Activism.

An activist is one who is actively involved in creating community, whether that is locally in their neighborhood or internationally. It is an admirable quality.
Jasmine Guy

An activist is someone who makes an effort to see problems that are not being addressed and then makes an effort to make their voice heard. Sometimes there are so many things that it’s almost impossible to make your voice heard in every area, but you can sure try.
Joanne Woodward

I have referred to myself as an accidental activist on more than one occasion.
Joan Blades

I think the importance of doing activist work is precisely because it allows you to give back and to consider yourself not as a single individual who may have achieved whatever but to be a part of an ongoing historical movement.
Angela Davis