Weekend Links

A bit of a snowstorm is passing through. It’s not leaving as much snow as predicted, but the winds are strong and some of what is falling feels like baby chunks of ice. So, I’m staying inside for the rest of the day. I bought myself a book of puzzles and a magazine of storage tips and ideas. I’ve decided it’s pancakes tonight for supper and I may change into my pj’s because it’s a snow day. But, before I get off the computer for a while, I’ve put together some links you can check out this weekend for when you want or need to take a break.

If you feel like reading something historical, 5 of the Dead Sea Scrolls have been digitalized.

Maybe The British Library has something that would interest you, such as the original version of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll.

If you enjoyed Ernest Hemingway’s The Old Man and the Sea, Russian animator Aleksandr Petrov has composed over 29,000 images of unique pastels-on-glass with his son Dimitri and created an animation adaptation.

Museums and galleries are creating virtual tours for those who would like to visit from the comfort of their home. Here’s a link to an Open Culture article that highlights a panoramic virtual tour of the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History.

If you would like to travel to Venice for a few minutes, Open Culture also has a couple of short videos of A Day in Venezia.

Pictures, we’re told, are worth a thousand words. These Natural World photos from Boston.com show that sometimes 1,000 words are not enough.

(Image via Boston.com)