NHBPM – I Still Remember…

(Image via echotrademarketing.com)

I still remember one Christmas Eve when I was probably 7 or 8. I, for some reason, was given a race car set. I have no idea why this was chosen for me. I played with the typical girl stuff that little girls played with when they where 7 or 8. But, someone thought it would be great if I got this.

What I do remember is that, like so many people around the holidays, I had a cold or flu. I was usually allowed to open a small present on Christmas Eve. (You know what’s coming, don’t you?) That year, my father and brother took pity on poor, sick me and implored my mother that I get to open a present. Not just any present, but this big present. She finally agreed and… it was the race car set. My father and brother were so kind that night. They set it up for me and I even had a few races.

And that was it for me that night. I had to stop because I was sick and needed my rest, of course.

Then my father and brother played with it and had a blast having races.

I still don’t know why that was given to me because I rarely played with it. Maybe the guys wanted something to play with that year, I don’t know. Hope they had fun.

This post was written as part of NHBPM – 30 health posts in 30 days: http://bit.ly/vU0g9J